Prostate Cancer


Clare men have an opportunity to participate in what should be a ground breaking research project on Prostate Cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment can lead to a successful outcome.

Prostate Cancer in Men​:

Men have a 1 in 12 chance of developing Prostate Cancer. Over 500 men die from Prostate Cancer each year. Prostate Cancer is the second most common Cancer in men in this country. It is estimated that nationally there will be a 275% increase in the incidence of Prostate Cancer by 2020.​


  • Passing urine more often, especially at night
  • Pain or difficulty when passing urine
  • Trouble starting or stopping the flow of urine
  • The feeling of not having emptied your bladder
  • Frequent pain in your lower back, hips or upper thighs
  • Trouble having or keeping an erection
  • Blood in your urine or sperm (very rare)
  • If you have any of the above symptoms, get them checked out by your doctor. But remember that most enlarged prostate glands are not cancer and can be easily treated.